R+D+i Planning and Management.
We are experts in designing and developing strategies from the project formulation to its implementation.
Strategic direction of R+D+i
Advise or guide public or private organizations in defining the strategic direction of R+D+i integrated into their corporate strategic architecture.
How do we do it?

Strengthening and consolidation of groups
Advise Research, Technological Development and Innovation Groups and Centers in strengthening and consolidating their capacities for recognition and categorization within the National System of Competitiveness, Science, Technology and Innovation.
How do we do it?

Formulation of R+D+i projects - Tax benefits in CTeI
Formulate and present R+D+i projects to access the following tax benefits:
1. Discount on income tax of up to 25% of the amount invested by the company in the R+D+i project.
2. Deduction of the total value of the investment made by the company in the R+D+i project.
How do we do it?